New Earth (514) Tarot

MysterE has developed a 5-suited tarot deck - along with three other decks, (lunar, wisdom & clarify.)

Joining the 4 suits of Wands (fire), Cups (water), Coins (earth) & Daggers (air) is the 5th suit of New Earths. The New Earth suit represents the element of compassion (ether / spirit), giving us 14 new cards illuminating previously unseen outcomes (Ace through King) to envision and co-create a better world.

Joining the Tarot deck, are the Black Sheep Lunacy Guide, the 514 Clarifying Deck, & the Black Sheep Wisdom Oracle. MysterE’s offers comprehensive & life-changing 4-deck readings in pairs (2 sessions like bookends), which open doorways of truth. He also teaches tarot as a course for enlightenment, and is actively building a school to introduce New Earth Tarot to a larger audience.

These four decks are the Game of E. ‘E’ being the 5th letter, symbolizing the 5th element and the 5th Dimension or Heaven on Earth. MysterE has been playing this game for 27 years, and has integrated his community leadership, 10 books and studies with spiritual masters into the game to accelerate awakening for anyone with the willingness to see.

In his 6th book, Amusement Park (2018), the prophecy of the Black Sheep is revealed, and the 5th Ace is discovered, as the Black Sheep are led into a labyrinth (see below) by an undercover shaman. The Black Sheep are unaware of their joint purpose to save the world - as they have been too self-involved with their suffering to recognize that the challenges and projections they have faced, are actually meant to awaken latent gifts which offer a pathway to freedom. Through the relationship with the shaman, they are tricked into shifting from the Ordinary and Obvious Realms into the Realm of Compassion.

Tarot Readings:

Suggested donations for one pair of readings is $144USD and $2200MEX - although MysterE accepts any amount, and encourages larger gifts to support his community building and labyrinth construction.


5 Video’s that Encapsulate The Game of E